Tuesday, October 27, 2009

International Magic Week (October 25-October 31)

Belated Happy Magic Week. Sorry for the late notice. But this is indeed International Magic Week. Of course the week ends on October 31 and is Halloween but it is also the anniversary of the death of one of the greatest magicians that ever lived--Harry Houdini. Some time this week everyone should go out to their favorite search engine and visit an online interactive magic site. There are lots of them out there. The first time you participate in a magic trick and it seems like the Internet has read your mind it's a little freaky. But catch your breath, relax and concentrate. You'll be able to figure out most of the tricks if you give it a little thought. You can start your journey by visiting RealMagic.Net or reading the article Teach Math Magic During International Magic Week. There's a trick in the latter that's seems very appropriate for the week following Halloween. Math teachers will probably find both sites a lot of fun for themselves and their students.

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